How Our Wedding Day REALLY Went

I’m just going to come right out and say that our wedding day was absolutely perfect. Not everyone gets to say that their wedding day went exactly how they envisioned for it to go, but here I am, 4 months later, still thinking …

Planning Your Own Wedding: Venue Hunting

We have a budget we’re comfortable with, a theme we’re excited about … now it’s time to begin the hunt to bring it all to life!

There are several vendors you’ll find yourself contacting throughout your wedding planning journey, but to keep yourself from becoming overwhelmed, I would recommend starting with vendors that a) will fill a larger portion of your budget, and b) may be harder to book the closer you get to

Planning Your Own Wedding: Choosing a Theme

Now … onto the fun stuff. In my first wedding planning post, I discussed where to begin with planning your own wedding, and I dove into talking about coming up with a realistic budget in addition to the tools that I’ve used to do so and a couple …