Affordable fashion & realistic life tips for the young, growing woman.

Fashionably, DG

What I Started in 2022 That I'm Bringing into 2023

What I Started in 2022 That I'm Bringing into 2023

2022 was a good year.

Not “2022 would’ve been a good year if” this, or “2022 would’ve been a good year if” that, just a really good year that I may even go as far as saying was great. I experienced a lot of new things, started a few great habits, and overall, maintained a good mental space. I say overall because maybe 5% of the time I was going through it, but I’ll touch on that a little later on.

I always like to reflect on the previous year once the new one rolls around, so I figured it could benefit SOMEBODY out there to share a few of the things that I started last year that I’m definitely continuing in 2023.

  1. A Solid Gym Routine

My interest in fitness started about three years ago. I had a trainer that I worked with pretty consistently the first year, the second year I discovered Apple Fitness and started getting comfortable with going to the gym alone, and last year I truly went all in. I implemented a 5-day workout split, and my only focus was to build muscle and get stronger. Not saying I don’t have fat to get rid of, because my lower belly and arms love to hold on to it, it just wasn’t a concern until I bulked up enough. In January 2022 I was around 138 pounds, and by the end I was sitting between 153 and 155. I know I gained more fat, but I damn sure built up some muscle as well. It’s a journey I learned to love, and it’s only going to get better this year.

2. Alcohol Moderation

Being completely transparent, from the time I started drinking alcohol up until now, I haven’t done it responsibly at all. I’m not the one that needs it every day or even every week, but when I do have it, I stop after having entirely too much, and by that point I can almost guarantee I won’t remember it the next day. I’ve unfortunately ended up in terrible situations because of that.

I think everyone knows that alcohol isn’t good for you. I’ve read that red wine may have benefits in moderation, but as a whole, alcohol has no benefits for your mind, body, or spirit. I’m at a point where I’m seeking all around wellness. With that being stated, I know I’ll eventually find sobriety, but until then, I’m focusing on drinking responsibly - at a slower pace, with water in between, and not mixing different beverages. There’s beauty in waking up and being able to recall the entire night prior, and even more in not feeling liquor pulsing through my veins when I wake up.

3. Going to Therapy

A good four years overdue, but better late than never. As I just mentioned, I’m seeking all around wellness, and last year I just got tired of not feeling at peace. Being great for a few weeks, or even a few months, just to fall into another depressive episode because I got triggered into thinking about things that happened years ago. It’s honestly a terrible cycle, and I’m not ashamed to say that I really needed help. I’ll probably continue to need it for a while, but I’m willing to put in the work to find true peace.

If you were looking for a sign to start going to therapy, whether it’s to cope with past trauma, stress, or even just to have an unbiased person to talk to, GO FOR IT.

4. Yoga

Y’all … in September I’ll officially be in my late 20’s. The big 30 is creeping up fast, and I refuse to accept that my body won’t be able to move the way it used to out of laziness. Throughout middle and high school I was a cheerleader, so I’ve always known how to effectively stretch my body. At the most basic level, that’s essentially what yoga is. Last year was more than just stretching, though. Apple Fitness exposed me to the the world of 45 minute Yoga flows that have me sweating by the end of it. I’m talking arm balances, planks, arms shaking, legs shaking, and calories BURNED. It gives me the same dopamine boost that I get after leaving the gym, except I’m at home which automatically makes it better. There’s also a focus on intentional breathing which I love, because I don’t do it nearly enough.

My goal for this year is to get a solid handstand, so please feel free to drop some tips if you’re a fellow Yogi.

5. Paying More Attention to Food Labels

I went Vegan three years ago after seeing a documentary highlighting how shit the food industry is. During that time I played around with different plant-based alternatives to make the transition a little easier. Fast forward to now, I’m vegetarian, but still use some of those alternatives when cooking from time to time. I don’t as much anymore because they tend to be overly processed, packed with sodium, and made with gums and dyes that are trash. I’ve also learned that “natural flavors” can come from a variety of sources. They’re not telling us what the source is, and I’m at a point where I want to know exactly what I’m eating, so I’m getting away from buying foods that lack transparency.

My true goal is to get back to being completely vegan, I’ve just been enjoying cheese a little too much lately.

6. Traveling More

I traveled to four new places last year. Virginia Beach, Orlando, Chicago, and West Jefferson, NC. I loved the vibe in Chicago so much that it made me want to move. That deep dish pizza? A delicacy. Virginia was nice, and notably clean - we went here to celebrate our anniversary and I’d definitely recommend it if you’re trying to relax. Orlando was the group trip that I took with my friends - neither of us live in the same state, so if we don’t get together at any other time, it’ll be for each other’s birthdays. That was the occasion for this trip. West Jefferson was the trip that made me realize how much I’d love to live in a secluded area. Deion’s grandma has a property sitting on about 32 acres, so we were able to stay there and just enjoy nature. We drank wine while sitting on the porch swing, hiked, rode bikes through the mountains, and went gemstone hunting. It was truly an awesome time.

So far this year, I already have two trips planned to places that I’ve never been. I can hear the wheels of my suitcase rolling down the ramp now.

I've concluded that the purpose of life is just to live it. Of course money is a factor in what you can actually do, but it’s not always a necessity when it comes to experiencing something new. Make it a point to step out the box this year. You won’t regret it.

See y’all soon!

Fashionably Yours,


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