Affordable fashion & realistic life tips for the young, growing woman.

Fashionably, DG

Striped Obsessed

Striped Obsessed

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What do you call a person that gets dolled up just to take pictures?


Except my situation isn't as corny as it may seem. I actually wore this outfit on my mom's birthday a month ago and I never got any pictures in it. I mean, like what kind of narcissistic person would I be to volunteer the birthday girl as my photographer for the day? Though, I'm sure she would've gladly done it, it wasn't going to kill me to hold off on a little photo session. So today I finally put it back on, had a little shoot, then took it right back off and went on to a cookout. The end. 

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Outfit Deets

Stripes are definitely my favorite print for the season, for the year, and to be completely honest, for life. I don't know what it is about them, but I am going mad over any and everything that is striped in black and white. I'm thinking I bought this skirt (Ross) around this time last year, so I wasn't quite obsessing over the print yet. It was more of the style of the skirt that had lured me in. Every time I think about it I kind of just laugh to myself because I have no doubt in my mind that I would've found this skirt hideous in high school. My style was so different back then, and let me tell you, it has truly changed for the better. There was even a point in time when I hated floral prints. Granted that was during middle school, a time where a 5-inch stiletto heel wasn't the slightest bit desirable, but still, I probably wouldn't have looked at these shoes (30 something, Ross) twice. Fast forward to now, I'm mixing those same prints and styles into one look like it's nothing. It's hard to say whether or not the skirt or the shoes should be the focal point of this look just because the top (A'Gaci) and accessories (Charlotte Russe) are all colors that have been pulled from the shoes. So basically, the shoes are pulling everything else together. But on the other hand, the skirt is just there all loud and proud and you couldn't miss it even if you wanted to. So what do you think?

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Can I also mention how unfortunate my luck was while trying to get this skirt on? My top got stuck in the zipper so I literally had to rip it out which resulted in the zipper being broken. SO, if anyone was wondering why I only have one photo from a front facing view, that is the sad truth. 

Fashionably Yours, 


Campus Style: Summer Isn't Dead

Campus Style: Summer Isn't Dead

Campus Style: A Dress for the Highs & Lows

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